NOTE Justis01




-Consequentialist-locates morality in theconsequences of an act,in the state of the rule that we resolve from the thingyou do

-Catagorical-locates morality in certain absoluteduties and rights,regardless the consequences


philosophy of Utilitarianism(功利主义哲学)

Jeremy Bentham,18th centuryEnglish pholitical philosopher

his essential idea:the right thing,the justthing to do is to maximize utility(效用最大化为正确公正)

slogan:the greatest good for the greatestnumber

case:Queen versus Dudley and Stephens

         morally permissibe or not?

        defense:you’veto do what you’ve to do,to survive and who knows what will happen in thefuture.

        From utility,consider

        {have to donecessity,the dire circumstances;

         number matters,

         the wider effect matters:their family,dependents

       addup:caculate the balance of happiness and suffering,maybe is right}


     prosecution:1.inwhatever situation,we don’t have the power to take other people’s fate into ownhands

                          2.murder is murder,in any case(whymurder is catagorically wrong?)


     #1.if it’s a self-sacrifice,wouldmake it permissible in morally?)

     #2.What aboulottery?)



#1.Why murder is catagorically wrong?

 #2.becausewe have certain fundamental rights? 

        AND Do we have certain fundamental rights?

#3.Doesa fair procedure justify any result?

#4.Whatis the moral work of consent?    


MY OPINION://”murder is murder”




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